Contact Us

"Friendly people, fast responses, helpful information. That's all you can ask for when you have a question or need other assistance."

What's on your mind? We're always happy to hear from you.

Have a question about your account? Lost your debit card? Want investment advice? No matter what information you need or financial challenges you're facing, contact Clearview, located in the Pittsburgh-area, at your convenience and we'll gladly point you in the right direction. 




Talk to our digital assistant Claire, 24/7 or with our staff at 1-800-926-0003 Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Live Chat

Chat with our digital assistant Claire, 24/7 or our staff Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Saturday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Clearview Live®

Video bank by phone, computer, or VTM
Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Schedule Appointment

Schedule Appointment

Schedule an in-person appointment or Clearview Live® Video banking call today!


Drop us a note in our contact form below
and we'll get in touch.

Additional numbers

Lost or stolen credit card: Call 866-576-1342 any hour of the day, seven days a week.

Lost or stolen debit or ATM card: Call our Debit Card Hotline at 1-888-918-7734.

Changing debit or ATM card PIN: Call 1-866-985-2273 to change the PIN of your debit or ATM card. 

Voice banking with Claire: Conduct financial business on the phone 24/7 at 1-800-926-1188

Credit Card Customer Service: 1-866-820-5866

Member Resolutions (Collections): 1-866-265-3422

Clearview Wealth Management Group®: 412-507-5257

GreenPath Debt Solutions: 1-877-337-3399

Mortgage payments or questions: Contact Midwest Mortgage at 1-800-262-6574 or visit their website.

For media inquiries, please visit our Media Center.

Life, disability, or involuntary unemployment claim? We're here to help!

In your time of need, our claims process is quick and easy. If you elected payment protection on your loan, you can file your claim at or call 1-800-328-9442.

CUNA Mutual Group is the marketing name for CUNA Mutual Holding Company, a mutual insurance holding company, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Payment protection products include debt protection products available through the credit union.

Contact us
Fill out this form and a team member will be in touch. Please do not include any sensitive information.
Questions about contacting us?
You can schedule an appointment at any financial center by using our online appointment scheduler. You can also schedule an appointment by calling the financial center you'd like to visit. You can find a list of our financial center phone numbers on our contact us page.

To schedule an appointment with Clearview Wealth Management Group®, call 1-800-926-0003 ext. 21040 (these appointments cannot be made through our online appointment scheduler at this time).

Recommended for you

Clearview Live® Video Banking

Bank face-to-face with our staff from your phone, computer, or one of our video teller machines.

Financial calculators

Whether you’re buying a car or a house, saving for retirement, or dealing with debt, our free calculators provide the financial insight you need.

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Why Choose a Credit Union vs Bank

There are many choices when it comes to financial institutions, so why choose a credit union vs bank? Let’s find out!

Goal Builder

Set, track, and achieve your savings goals with the ultimate savings tool.

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Ralph B. Canterbury Scholarship

We’re empowering ten outstanding students with $1,500* each towards their academic journey.

Your friends belong here.

When you refer a new member to Clearview, we’ll pay you and the person you refer $100!

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Zogo Financial Literacy

Download the Zogo app and sign up using the code CLEARVIEW to boost your financial literacy game and earn gift cards to your favorite retailers!

Clearview Wealth Management Group

When planning for retirement is your goal, it's time to turn to Clearview Wealth Management Group®, available through CFS*.