Protect your important documents from scammers.
Why not abbreviate?
When you abbreviate 2020 on important documents, scammers could easily turn that “20” into any other year in this century by simply adding two numbers to the end. For example, if you write the date as 1/1/20 on a check, someone could change that to read 1/1/2021, 1/1/2022, etc. That would leave your money vulnerable, and leave the scammer able to attempt to cash your check in that fraudulently marked year.
Unfortunately, this is a problem that has to do specifically with the year 2020, since abbreviating another year, like 2017, as “17” could only be changed to a date in the 1700s.
If you want to avoid this potential issue, all you need to do is write out 2020 wherever you would normally write the abbreviated year.