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Why Work With Clearview?

You work hard for your business.

Why not choose a financial institution that works hard for you?

When we say “own it,” we mean it. Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that are cooperatively owned by those who open accounts with them. When you do business with a bank, you’re a customer, but when you open an account with a credit union, you’re an owner. Credit unions provide quicker-response customer care and investment advice with a more personal touch. And, since they are owned by community members, the well-being of the community is their main focus. Credit unions offer high savings and low borrowing rates to help members stretch their dollars further and put more in their pockets.

Support a credit union that supports you. At Clearview, we feel good about doing good. Here are some examples of our efforts to give back to the community:
  • Volunteering — Since 2004, Clearview employees have dedicated more than 44,000 hours to support Southwestern Pennsylvania communities through a variety of events.
  • Sponsorships — We are proud to sponsor hundreds of organizations and events each year throughout our community footprint.
  • Financial education — We provide financial education through participation in area reality fairs, our recent commitment to JA BizTown, and the newly created financial education curriculum for the Hopewell Area School District.
  • Scholarships — We award 10 Ralph B. Canterbury Scholarships of $1,500 to graduates each year to help fund their post-secondary education. Clearview is proud to have donated $200,000 over the past 20 years and we look forward to helping more graduates in the years to come.
  • Annual community service award — Since 2007, Clearview’s annual Joseph C. Cirelli Community Service Award has benefited various nonprofit organizations and also acknowledged outstanding volunteers dedicated to charitable causes.
  • Check out our current events and get involved today.
We’re making news. Here are just a few of the many newsworthy community enhancements Clearview has supported:
  • Smart money. We’re piloting a 10-week financial literacy program for Hopewell Area High School special needs students to help them understand and manage real-world finances, and look forward to working with more schools to promote financial literacy.
  • Making a splash. To show commitment to our communities, Clearview joined the Moon Park Team to support their updated state-of-the-art play space that will include the Clearview-sponsored Splash Pad and accommodate adults and children of all ages and abilities.
  • Dollars and sense. We’ve donated the premier curriculum for teaching personal finance, Ramsey Solutions’ Foundations in Personal Finance, to the Derry Area Middle School.
  • Support the troops. For one of our recent quarterly initiatives, we partnered with Yellow Ribbon Girls, to help send deployed troops 37 boxes of donations along with a $3,000 donation.
October 17 is National Credit Union Day! At Clearview, it’s Clearview Cares® Day. We'll be surprising
organizations in our communities with donations to help them and their recipients enjoy a better life. It’s the perfect time to stop by your local financial center. See how we can help your business reach its financial goals and how you can get involved in one of our community programs. We’re all in this together!
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