Spam & Phishing Scams
Beware of phishing scams
Your financial security is our top priority. Please remember that we'll never initiate a call, email, or text asking you for:
- Your debit/credit card number, PIN, or CVV.
- Your member number, account number, full social security information, or any other security passcodes.
- Your online or mobile banking login information.
- Your passwords.
You should remember to never share any of this information with anyone. Remember that while our employees may contact you to verify suspicious debit or credit card transactions, they'll never ask you for the info above.
If you receive one of these calls or texts or you have supplied personal information via email, phone, social media, or other means to someone you suspect is scamming you, please contact us immediately at 1-800-926-0003 or call the number on the back of your card.
Always monitor your account and if you see fraudulent transactions, notify us right away. You can use our Card Defense® app to set up and receive transaction notifications for your debit and credit cards. The app also lets you turn your card off if you suspect fraudulent activity. You can also protect yourself by registering for real-time text fraud alerts for your Clearview credit and debit cards. Once registered, you'll receive a text and/or pre-recorded voice call when there's a suspicious transaction on your card.
Look out for malicious messages that carry malware and viruses.
Spam is the electronic equivalent of junk mail. The term refers to unsolicited, bulk email. Spam often contains malicious hyperlinks to target your personal information or encourage you to provide a form of payment. Luckily, most modern email services provide spam filters to block these messages before you see them.
Unfortunately, cyber criminals may still infiltrate your inbox using purchased or stolen email lists that contain your address or phone number. These scammers may contact you by email, phone call, text message, or social media message in an attempt to collect personal and financial information or infect your machine with malware and viruses. If you receive one of these messages, always delete the message without responding to it or opening any links.
There are a few ways to recognize phishing attempts when you come across something suspicious. Pay attention to the name of the sender and the website's URL. Malicious emails and websites may look identical to a legitimate site, but the URL may use a variation in spelling or a different domain (e.g., vs. If you are unsure whether a message's request is legitimate, try to verify it by contacting the company directly. Contact the company using information provided on an account statement, not information provided in the email.
It's important to remember that Clearview will never send you unsolicited messages asking you to provide personal or account information. If you receive a message that claims to be from Clearview, you can always feel free to contact us at 1-800-926-0003 or call the number on the back of your card to double check its authenticity.
Having the latest operating system, software, web browsers, anti-virus protection, and apps is the best defense against viruses, malware, and other online threats. Stay up to date, and keep a clean machine to protect yourself.
Learn more about spam and phishing from
No. Your online account information is available only via secure access by using your username and password. The information is not public. Unless you share your password, no one else can access your account information online.
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