Find Your Checking Account

Not sure which checking account is right for your goals? We've got you covered.
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Your friends belong here.

When you refer a new member to Clearview, we’ll pay you and the person you refer $100!

Financial calculators

Whether you’re buying a car or a house, saving for retirement, or dealing with debt, our free calculators provide the financial insight you need.

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Fraud Alert vs. Credit Freeze

Protect your identity with fraud alerts or credit freezes. Learn the difference, how they work, and how to set them up in this essential guide.

Goal Builder

Set, track, and achieve your savings goals with the ultimate savings tool.

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Zogo Financial Literacy

Download the Zogo app and sign up using the code CLEARVIEW to boost your financial literacy game and earn gift cards to your favorite retailers!

Clearview Wealth Management Group

When planning for retirement is your goal, it's time to turn to Clearview Wealth Management Group®, available through CFS*.

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Clearview Live® Video Banking

Bank face-to-face with our staff from your phone, computer, or one of our video teller machines.

Ralph B. Canterbury Scholarship

We’re empowering ten outstanding students with $1,500* each towards their academic journey.