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x Reset Selection(s)Based on your selections, here’s your perfect fit
- Help rebuild your credit
- Variety of rates and terms
- Up to 84-month terms
- Help with extra cash
- Borrow up to $1,000
- Fast turnaround time
- Fast access to cash
- Variable rates
Yes, all account numbers will change as a result of this merger. You’ll receive a letter with your new account number closer to the merger date.
Although deposits will initially continue to process post-merger, you will need to update your information for those scheduled deposits. We offer ClickSWITCH to cut the hassle on making these changes. All you need to do is enter some basic information and ClickSWITCH does the rest. We do recommend, however, to update this information as soon as you can after the June 1, 2025 merger date.
Clearview does not issue membership ID cards. However, we will be sending your membership number via letter closer to the merger date. You’ll be able to cut this number out and store it in a secure place if you’d like to.